My name is Lyon, I’m American, and I study and work out of the Political Science department of Penn State University. This trip was my first time in the Middle East, and of course Palestine, and it was both incredibly rewarding and highly educational. As someone who operates in left-wing political circles, I was not naïve of the situation in Palestine when I arrived, and even still, encountering the reality of the military occupation firsthand is an entirely different ballgame than reading about it from the comfort of my western apartment. But despite these challenges, I noticed that, through my experiences in Hebron and Bethlehem, Palestinians have an impressively warm and welcoming spirit about them.
After a couple of Arabic classes offered by ‘Go Palestine,’ a fellow volunteer and I tried our hand with the locals. with success! We changed currency, ordered food, did some shopping, took taxis, visited a notable Mosque, and made basic conversation – and all without ever feeling like we were in trouble. Manar taught me the days of the week, greetings and introductions – which is a solid beginning for future Arabic lessons, and something I am happy to be able to take home with me.

When I was making my connection flight at the Toronto airport, I ran into an Israeli gentleman who happened to be a journalist, and he made it a point to warn me about the dangers of Hebron, and after my experience as an American tourist, I have to say, that could not be further from the truth. The only danger in Palestine unfortunately is reserved for Palestinians, or maybe for naïve Westerners who will know the truth after seeing it for themselves, the Aida Camp in Bethlehem in particular.
The ‘Go Palestine’ program is put together well, but be flexible and keep an open mind. I highly recommend you take the long flight out here and see Palestine for yourself. There is no doubt it is worth the trip.
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How to apply or ask for additional information?
To apply to any of our programs: Please send an email to Mr. Tamimi at info@gopalestine.org. Please type the name of the chosen program in the subject line. We will then contact you back!