I came to Palestine to take part in the “Lawyers in Palestine” program offered by the Palestinian center (Go Palestine) in Hebron. I had the chance to meet with dozens of lawyers, judges and prosecutors and ask them about their work in Palestine. Although two months here didn’t make me an expert in Palestinian law, it allowed me to grasp the different legal concepts in place here and understand the complexity of the legal system.
The legal professionals I met with were all more than happy to teach me about the history of law in Palestine, but also its execution on a day to day basis. They were always happy to help when I had a question and went out of their way to make my stay here as educational as possible. I was taken to the different courts and got to witness trials first-hand.
I also got the chance to meet with different organization defending the rights of children, women and human rights in general. It was very inspiring to meet people fighting for such noble causes and share insights on the state of human rights in Palestine.
If you compare it to other countries, the legal status in Palestine is at once intricate and unique. Due to the various countries ruling over Palestine throughout the years, several legal systems have been prevalent in Palestine. The separation of Palestine has also led to a separation of legal systems in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Jerusalem. I think the best way of learning about a political or a legal situation is to go and experience it yourself, and I’m glad I did!
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