My name is Lillian, and I am from America. I am in my third year of university at the Pennsylvania State University, where I am in a dual-degree program pursuing a Bachelor of International Politics and a Masters of International Affairs at the same time. My primary focus is Middle Eastern Politics.
I’ve really enjoyed my time at the Palestinian Center for Education and Cultural Exchange in the Human Rights Internship program. In the morning, we always eat breakfast together at the center. The food is incredible. It’s also a really great time to catch up with everyone at the center since some of us are in different programs or in the same program but with different schedules. After breakfast, we visit an organization related to human rights, such as the Independent Commission on Human Rights, or a family. We learn about topics ranging from the everyday life of Palestinians living near Israeli settlers to the treatment of Palestinian prisoners.

After the morning visit, we return to the center to teach English to Palestinian students for around 2 hours. The students are nice, and they’re usually super excited to practice English with a native speaker and learn about life in other countries. The international participants all have lunch together after the classes.
There are a lot of great restaurants on Ain Sara Street, so we usually wander around a bit and eat somewhere new every day. After lunch, I always have an Arabic class. My teacher Nadine is amazing and customizes our lessons to fit my interests and goals. On Monday, we usually have a day trip. During my first week, we spent the day in Bethlehem. This week, we went to the Al Aroub refugee camp.
I would absolutely recommend coming to Hebron! Despite everything I had heard in the media about the West Bank, I’ve never felt unsafe here. The people are incredibly welcoming. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been invited for coffee or tea after just meeting someone. Everyone has a story and wants to practice their English and hear what you think about Hebron. I can’t wait to hopefully come back in the future!
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To apply to any of our programs: Please send an email to Mr. Tamimi at info@gopalestine.org. Please type the name of the chosen program in the subject line. We will then contact you back!