My name is Jada and I decided to travel to Palestine during the holiday break for my Master’s program. While I am from California, I am currently living and studying Conflict Transformation at Queen’s University Belfast in Northern Ireland. My interest in studying conflict transformation first began because of my first trip to Israel-Palestine with my undergrad universtiy. I originally visited with a study abroad program to study the conflict, learn arabic, and study religion. During the program I stayed with families from all backgrounds, but only visited Hebron for one day! After my program and graduating from my undergrad, I discovered GoPalestine and planned to return in Summer 2020. Unfortunately, that plan never came to be due to the Pandemic.
However, I reconnected with GoPalestine this fall and just completed my two weeks with the program, focusing on Palestinian media. I arrived at the center and was placed with a host family. While I’ve only been in Hebron for two weeks, GoPalestine immersed me in the city and unique one-on-one conversations with professionals in the media field. Even my professional meetings have included a deep sense of hospitality. I have felt incredibly welcomed to the city in every interaction with the center, my host family, and the people of the city.

Throughout my internship, I met with media professionals in the local radio stations and worked with students at the center. Before arriving to Palestine, I researched some broader topics about Palestinian media and media functioning within the context of conflict. Most of my questions to the media professionals included questions about occupation, conflict, and pressures from government. I was able to form a better understanding for the specific impact on media in Palestine and walk away with better questions.
The Palestinian culture in Hebron is incredibly generous, welcoming, and grounded in relationship. I never felt unsafe and especially directed all cultural questions to my instructors at GoPalestine. If anyone is interested in learning more about the Palestinian story, situation, and history, GoPalestine will meet you where you are and your interests. I am leaving with a better understanding of the situation and language, as well as many new friends and family in Hebron.
Two weeks is too short a stay to Hebron. In two weeks you can feel at home. You can grow your family and relationship with the world. I will say a temporary goodbye to Hebron in three days, but will carry conversations, connections, and concepts with me as I continue to research, learn, and travel.
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To apply to any of our programs: Please email Mr. Tamimi at info@gopalestine.org. Please type the name of the chosen program in the subject line. We will then contact you back!