My name is Victor Calero, I am 20 years old and I am from Ecuador. Actually I am studying Law at Universidad de las Américas in Quito, thats why I choose the Lawyers in Palestine Program organised by the Palestinian center (Go Palestine) to engage with the Palestinian legal system and to be able to expand my knowledge while learning another language and get to know a different culture. At the Palestinian Center I was able to experience the Palestinian dialect, history, food, culture and friendship with all the members of the center that helped me in everything I needed.
During my internship I met Palestinian lawyers that explained to me the way laws work in Palestine and the limitations and challenges they face with the Israeli Occupation on the daily basis. Also I was able to visit Hebron University and the Law College, the professors explained to me the unique history of Palestinian laws since the ottoman period till the Palestinian Authority laws.
They explained to me the difficulties that the Palestinian universities deal with, specially the law students and professors/doctors they come to Hebron from outside the city. After the College, I visited the court in Hebron where a lawyer told me how the procedures work, then we went to a Law firm to learn about the difficulties and human rights violations Palestinians face, specially moving around Palestine.
Finally I went to a NGO that help women defend their rights, then I went to a refugee camp near Hebron were I learned about the refugee situation and how the Un help improving their situation. I also received Arabic clases where I learned the Palestinian dialect and pronunciation.
The Palestinian culture surprised me since the moment I arrived, Palestinians are friendly and they would help you in everything they can. In my opinion, Palestine is safer than many latin American countries. In Hebron I didn’t experience any violence and I felt safer than in Israel. I recommend visiting Palestine and to join one of the programs at the Palestinian center to be able to understand the reality of Palestinians and engage with this amazing culture.
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