Cultural Traditions of Welcome
Each country has its history and culture, and people like to express it and lead as a good example of it. In Palestine, people are famous for their generosity and hospitality to guests. One of the things Palestinian people will do when they have a guest or in this case, foreigners is that they will open their houses and welcome you as one of the family. In most cases, people view it as a chance to connect with the outside world, and they will start telling you about their stories and how they became refugees.
Hospitality in Palestinian Cities
Another form of hospitality is that Palestinians will never let you pay for anything as long as you’re their guest. Hebron is one of the Palestinian cities famous for its hospitality. One of the vital activities in this city is visiting the old city of Hebron and visiting the Kuffiyah factory. Another place to visit is the Al-Fawar refugee camp, which is a good place to get to know people on a deeper level by listening to their stories and struggles. In an interview, I had with Nicolo Fascella one of the volunteers at The Palestinian Center, we discussed some good points.
Perspectives on Palestinian Generosity
The first question I asked was what were the things you used to hear about Palestine before you came here vs what you found out when you came here and saw it yourself and if there are some stereotypes about this place? Nicolo said that before he came here he already knew that the things Western people thought about Arabs were stereotypes but when you get the chance to live among them you experience what means to believe in something that is not true. Fascella adds” I didn’t imagine that you guys had this incredible resilience and strength because I used to see videos from Gaza but it was from a distance and once I was there in person I was touched by your stories and by the way you have to go through very difficult stuff and you still fight and live.”
Appreciating Palestinian Hospitality
The next question was what do you think about the generosity and hospitality of people here? He states” Since the first day I was so emerged by invites and people asking me if I could come to their houses, and the second day I was here and was already eating lunch in a Palestinian house, especially people from the refugee camp they are very welcoming, and they already offered me to stay at their houses for and sleep in their houses.” Nicolo also talked about how people love to invite him for coffee and talk, besides how excited people are about it.
A Testament to Resilience
Through Nicolo’s words, it becomes evident that Palestinian hospitality isn’t just a gesture; it’s a testament to the enduring spirit of a people determined to build bridges, one conversation at a time.” In conclusion, Palestine has always opened its doors and welcomed visitors from across the world, making memories they will never forget, and exploring nature, culture, and history.