The Nakba and the Origins of the Palestinian Refugee Crisis

Between 1947 and 1949, approximately 800,000 Palestinians were forced to flee from their homes during the creation of the state of Israel. During this time, an estimated 13,000 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces, and 531 Palestinian villages were destroyed. This violence was deliberately planned and enacted by Zionist leaders to establish a majority-Jewish state in Historic Palestine, leading to what is known as “the Read More …

The significance of the Palestinian Kuffiyah in History

The Palestinian Kuffiyah is one of the most prominent symbols related to the Palestinian people; it is probably the first thing that comes to your mind when mentioning the word Palestine. This article will discuss the historical background behind the Kuffiyah, its patterns meanings, and cultural appropriation. Historical Background of the Kuffiyah First, the historical background behind the Kuffiyah, Kuffiyah is a crucial part of Read More …

Palestinian Music and Their Role in History

Introduction: The Cultural Significance of Palestinian Music There is no size fits all when it comes to the shape of resistance or the national and cultural image of a country. In this article, we are talking about Palestine. For many years, the Palestinian people had their own culture and folklore. Music has always been present, and not only that, but it was and still is Read More …

Why Palestinians are Still Occupied: A Complex Historical Perspective

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the most protracted and contentious conflicts in modern history. At the heart of this conflict lies the question of Palestinian statehood and sovereignty, and why, despite decades of international efforts and negotiations, Palestinians are still living under occupation. This article delves into the historical, political, and socio-economic factors that have contributed to the ongoing occupation of Palestinian territories. The Read More …