US-Israeli Agreement Reached on Transfer of Suspended Arms Shipment to Tel Aviv

US-Israeli Agreement Reached on Transfer of Suspended Arms Shipment to Tel Aviv

Israeli Channel 13 revealed that after weeks of the Biden administration’s announcement of suspending arms shipments to Israel amidst the Gaza conflict, significant progress has been made towards agreements with the United States, allowing the delayed shipment to reach Israel in the near future.

According to the agreement between Washington and Tel Aviv, Israel will be obliged to commit to not deploying certain bombs provided by the Biden administration in populated areas, including those in Rafah, under the supervision of the US administration.

Additionally, the report clarified that Tel Aviv has agreed to sign an official document outlining these commitments regarding the restrictions that Washington intends to impose on the use of the ammunition included in the deal. Israel is likely to be compelled to sign the document by Defense Minister Yuval Galant.

The final mechanism allowing the resumption of the shipment has not yet been determined, but the intention is to reach agreements before the visit of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who is set to arrive in Israel today. This issue will be discussed during the visit.

The channel quoted a high-ranking Israeli official familiar with the details as saying, “We are trying with the Americans to find a way to get down from the tree when they announced the delay in the shipment.” He added, “Israel needs the arms shipment to arrive as soon as possible, in light of the security challenges on multiple fronts.